Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Elf Adventures-- week #1


I don't have a card to share today.  I managed to finish my Christmas cards a few days ago.  I've been busy addressing and getting them out in the mail.  I'm so surprised.  I managed to get them in the mail earlier than I ever have before.   I've also been working on some scrapbooking projects   We still have a lot to do before Christmas but we are doing our best to fill the house with joy.  

I started a new tradition (for us) this year.  We invited an elf named Kringle to stay with us fo the month of December.  I know many others also participate in this Christmas game.  We adapted it to work for us.  My hubby was really uncomfortable with the idea of the elf watching to see if we are naughty or nice.  He just felt it was too creepy.   It is hard to argue.  We decided to keep it simple.   Our elf is magical and only moves when Ryan is asleep.   It is fun treat to find him each morning.  He usually is doing something silly.  Below you can find pictures of his first week of adventures. 

Ryan is having a blast.  He is so excited to find him each day.  My husband who is wasn't a fan of the idea has come around and admitted that he has enjoyed finding the elf each morning too.  It is a nice way to bring a little magic into the house. 

Day 1: Elf making breakfast skittles. 

Day 2: climbing our felt tree

Day 3: Gone Fishing for goldfish

Day 4:  He brought special treats from Mrs. Claus

Day 5: scavenger hunt for candy canes

Day 6: Minion Bananas

Day 7:  Toilet Paper Roll swing

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