Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Unicorn Magic with Video Tutorial

Hello friends,

We all have those stamps that we purchased and have been sitting.....and waiting for their day to shine.  I hate to admit it... I have a few.  When I finally use them, my heart smiles (seriously no exaggeration).  

I've had this little unicorn for um.... 10+ years.  I don't know what took me so long.  He is so cute!!



Copics used: good deal on copics here
Red: R24, R14
Orange: YR02, YR00
Yellow:Y13, Y11
Green: YG01, YG03
Blue: B01, B00
Purple: BV00, BV02
Horse: BG70, BG72
Skin: E50, E51
Grey: W1, W3, W5
glitter on the stars

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